Spiritual Events

Book Club - Third Wednesday of the month, 6:30 p.m. at the Collaborative Center

During COVID, we began running a self-paced book club which ran in the bulletin. Each month, we provided questions about a set of chapters from a short book. This year, we wanted to start an in-person book club. We will select a new book each month and update this page with our newest selection. RSVP to Anna Cote at 857-342-9500, ext. 15 or email Acote@bluehillscollaborative.org if you would like to attend our next meeting.

The Book Club will meet again in the fall at the Collaborative Center. The group last read The Shed that Fed a Million Children. You can purchase the book by clicking on the book's title.

Previous Book Club Selections:

October- Companions of Jesus: The Jesuit Martyrs of El Salvador

September- Apostle of the Rosary Blessed Bartolo Longo

June- The 7 Secrets of the Eucharist

May- How to Pray Like Mary

April- Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist

Eucharistic Adoration - First Fridays 12:00-2:00 p.m. at Most Precious Blood, and as scheduled

Eucharistic Adoration, also known as Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, is the custom of honoring the Holy Eucharist outside of Mass, by solemnly exposing the Sacred Host to the view of the faithful, in order that we may pay their devotions before It, and also engage in prayer or meditation in the presence of Christ. Originating from the centuries-old custom of "visiting" the Lord at church tabernacles, paying devotion to the exposed Eucharist has become a liturgical act of worship in its own right.

In addition to First Fridays, we have hosted a monthly Holy Hour of Adoration during the diocesan Year of the Eucharist. 

Adult Faith Formation


Check out our Adult Faith Formation page for updates on our Adult Faith Formation events!


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